Monday, June 25, 2012

Test and Essay for Learning Outcome
               The test and essay are supporting to the learning outcome. The three test samples were modified to accomodation student with Learning Disabilities.  When SPED students are in the regular education classroom for different subject test must be modified to their needs.  Some of these modification have been used for the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program.

Map Skills Unit
Students will use Word Bank to label the seven continents and five oceans.
  1. North America   C. Africa
  2. Asia                D. South America
E. Europe           F. Australia    
G.  Antarctica
H.  Indian Ocean   I. Atlantic Ocean
J. Southern Ocean   K. Arctic Ocean
L. Pacific Ocean

1Which term is used to describe half of a sphere by the Prime Meridian or the Equator?
A Atmosphere
B Ocean
C Hemisphere *
D Region

2. Which term is used to describe an imaginary line around the middle of the Earth that divides the globe into northern and southern hemispheres?
A Equator *
B Map Title
C Symbol
D Continent

3. What term is used to describe an imaginary line that divides the globe into the eastern and western hemispheres?
A Atmosphere
B Map Legend
C Continent
D Prime Meridian *

4. What continent is green
A Asia
B North America *
C Africa
D South America     
5. What continent is located orange?
             A North America
             B South America
             C Asia
             D Africa *

         6. What continent is at lavender ?
             A Asia *
             B Australia
             C Europe
             D South America

      Using this map answer item 4-6

        The two pages above are test sample to support Learning Outcome 1 & 2

Second Learning Outcome
By using this map, students will take a red crayon and draw the equator and prime meridian.  Then with a green crayon identify the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Hemispheres.

Third Learning Outcome
Test 3


The demonstrations of above are the Third Outcome using a globe in the  classroom.  The teacher will have a checklist and orally have students to locate the seven continents and five oceans, and students will identify.   

North America is located in relation to other continents, that South America is located below North America, that Europe is located across the Atlantic Ocean, that Australia is an island, and that Antarctica is the most southern continent).

Essay for Learning Outcome
Developing Map Skills

Teaching students to understand where they live can be difficult at best when teaching regular education students, but now teaching Special Education students can be comical at times.  Let us start with the basics, what is a map? Ask this question in your classroom and you’ll get a variety of responses, most having to do with geography or finding your way from place to place.

When getting started, you help students identify what state they live in, and on which continent has that state is located.   Then teach which continents are south, east and west.  Once you have given this concept, using world maps play games (puzzle, matching and labeling) with them this helps them to retain the information. In addition, to teaching the continents, add the five major oceans, now adding them to your game will increase their critical thinking.  Most students like competing against one another.  The last and final step in this lesson is to teach the student about the invisible line known as the equator, and the prime meridian, which divide our world into four hemispheres:  Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western. 

The more your students catch on they will have fun at developing their mapping skills.  As educators, we should make sure that you cover all learning styles especially when working with SPED students: kinesthetic, visual, sound, and auditory.

The maps are courtsey of Google Image

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Geography with a Beat

Social Studies Unit Map Development: students will develop map skills by:

a)      positioning and labeling the seven continents and five oceans to create a world map;

b)      using the equator and prime meridian to identify the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and  Western  Hemispheres;

c)      The student will locate the seven continents and five oceans on a map or globe and point out important information (e.g., where North America is located in relation to other continents, that South America is located below North America, that Europe is located across the Atlantic Ocean, that Australia is an island, and that Antarctica is the most southern continent).